This is a common question computer owners always ask, and there is a simple way to fix it. If your PC takes longer time to start up, then you should apply the fixes below.
I have a problem when I switch on my pc it takes long time for start up this problem was started when I uninstalled Norton antivirus from my pc. Please help me, it takes 3minutes for start up!!

Step 1: When you switch ON your computer, start tapping the “F8” key to get “Windows Advanced Options”( if boot menu appears, press “Esc” key and keep tapping the F8 key)
Step 2: Select the option “Safe Mode” and press Enter
Step 3: Click on Start –> In search box, type –> msconfig and press Enter. “System Configuration Utility” will be opened. Click on the “Startup” tab –> Click on the button “Disable all”
Step 4: Now click on “Services” tab –> Check the checkbox “Hide All Microsoft Services”. Then click on “Disable All”. Click on “OK” button and restart your PC.
Step 5: Log into your window normally and if a window appears regarding the changes that you have made, check the checkbox “Don’t show this message or launch the System Configuration Utility when Windows start” and click on OK.
Let us know if this helps.
Let me bookmark this page.. Very handy
Thanks for this update, this is a serious issue with my system, hopefully this will fix it.
Please since my pc updated to 1809 version, each Time i watch movies it freezes, can you help me with it
Uninstall the update.
>Open up your Windows Settings and head back into “Update & security”
>Click on the “Windows Update” tab, and then on “Update history”.
>On the next screen, click on “Uninstall updates”
Windows Update sometime isn’t cool over the air, you can backup up your files and data then perform a clean install, you’ll enjoy it. I experienced the same problem after updating.
This is interesting
Nice update
I used driver booster to update my drivers on my PC but my system doesn’t recognize any phone I plug into it using the USB ports instead it just charges it. what would be wrong, at oga yomi?
Ghostwriter, you already know what is wrong na… the driver booster you install automatically upgraded or downgraded/ override your existing drivers. You should probably download ADB drivers on your PC.
I will try it
it’s always annoying hope this will help
In my own own case… My pc Gets very hot. You can even Use it to cook yam. Very very hot to the point that it will off by it self and request i should cool it. HP 630 pc. It wasent like this when i First bought it.
You need to fix the internal cooling. Clean the fan(s) that provide(s) cooling to the CPU and graphics card. Over time, they build up layers of dust and dirt that slow them down and block airflow.
Boss abegi what can cause the usb port and earplug Jack to stop working in the pc
So many reason… but it can easily be fix.
How to Fix “USB port not working” error with Universal Serial BUS controller
1. Right-click on Windows logo > Select Device Manager.
2. Expand “Universal SerialBUS controllers” > Find the device with a yellow exclamation mark.
3. Right-click on it and select “Update Driver Software…” > Choose “Search automatically for updated driver software”.
4. If there is no new update, right-click and select Uninstall > OK.
5. Go to the Action tab in the Device Manager window > Select Scan for hardware changes > Then the USB port will appear.
After this, reconnect your portable devices to your PC and there your USB or SD card etc devices will show up on your PC now.
If it still not working, relax, drop your comment and I’ll give you another method.
Helpful tips Prof….
I m having this issue with my Acer, hope these tips will help me
Thanks for the tutorial
Thanks for the update
Thanks boss but is still didn’t work,no exclamation mark for usb driver and no indication when plugged in.
did you try another usb cable? is it all the port on your pc that isn’t working?
Good da prof… Please since i bought my laptop i have bn unable to connect bluetooth perioheral devices like headset or headphones. But i csm send and recieve files wity bluetooth. Please i have tried severally to instal drivers and dowoaded many apps to help me fix the issue. Yet it still wont work. Imusing windowss 7 and my laptop is hp 32bit. Please help me on how to go about it. Thanks
Update your bluetooth drivers on pc