CoinExchange is Shutting Down – Withdraw Your Cryptocoins Now or Never

One of the largest cryptocurrency exchange is shutting down and I’m sure some of you have your bitcoins, SIC, Ethereum and the rest of the cryptocoins buried in there.

Trading and deposits will be suspended on the 15th of October 2019. If you had your swisscoin or bitcoin buried in that exchange, please take them out before it’s too late.

coinexchange shutting down

According to the info from Coinexchange,

It is with great regret that we must inform the community that the board of directors of has decided to close down the exchange.

This is purely a business decision and there has not been a security breach or any other type of incident. Unfortunately it is no longer economically viable for us to continue offering market services. The costs of providing the required level of security and support now outweigh our earnings.

Trading and deposits will be suspended on the 15th of October 2019. Please cease any deposit and trade activity as soon as possible.

The website and withdrawals will remain operational until the 1st of December 2019. We ask that you please remove all funds by this date.

It has been a fantastic journey and we have enjoyed playing a part in the crypto currency space. We thank everyone that has traded or listed a currency with us.

So sadly it is goodbye for now however we may return in the future if market conditions change.

For Holders of SwissCoin

If you are a holder of Swisscoin, please download swisscoin desktop wallet here and transfer your coins into it.

For Holders of Bitcoin, Ethereum etc

Bitcoin, ethereum etc holders can make use of or LUNO. This is one of the reasons its not advisable to store your cryptocurrency coins in an exchange.

All withdrawals on that platform must be completed before December  1st 2019. Investment into cryptocurrency is risky but it is worth it…

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5 thoughts on “CoinExchange is Shutting Down – Withdraw Your Cryptocoins Now or Never”

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