Instagram Launches Reels, to Take on TikTok

As it is now, the future of TikTok is uncertain as the US President put a ban on the app and WeChat due to the allegation laid on the creators of the app collecting browsing and search histories.

Right now, Instagram has launched Reel, a video sharing platform that is aimed at taking on TikTok. Instagram is hoping to lure some creators away with the rollout of a direct competitor, Reels, which is launching in more than 50 countries today.

Reels TikTok

Reels lets people create short-form videos set to music that can be shared with friends and followers and discovered while browsing the app.

Reels allow people to record videos up to 15 seconds long and add popular music, as well as an array of filters and effects, over top of them. The Instagram Reels is located in the Instagram Camera, the button in the top left corner with an overhaul of the entire interface.

Users can share Reels the same way they share Live videos or regular posts but there is a dedicated tab on the profile where the videos will be located which makes it visible to everyone.

For creators looking to use Instagram Reels as a new way to build a following, Instagram has revamped its Explore page to create a specific landing spot for Reels at the top of the screen that people can vertically scroll through — similar to TikTok’s “For You Page.”

There are also options for saving a reel as a draft before publishing. The cover image can also be changed and all other features that come to play when posting a video.

Reels will be available in 50 countries… update your Instagram app and let us know if is already available in your country.

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