Update: To All Using Whatsapp Plus, Uninstall Whatsapp Plus Before You’ll Be Ban By Whatsapp

To all those using Whatsapp Plus, get
ready to uninstall it before Whatsapp get to you. WhatsApp is one of the
most-used messaging apps in existence, and today countless users of the service
have taken to Google+ and Twitter to report that they’re being banned from the
service for 24 hours. The common denominator between those reporting the ban
seems to be the use of third-party WhatsApp clients on Android,
specifically a popular one called WhatsApp+.

WhatsApp has only one official client available, but there have long been
a variety of third-party clients available through non-official means. Some of
these are fairly popular, like WhatsApp+, which has a community on
of more than 700,000 members. Users of other clients, like
WhatsAppMD, are also reporting that they’ve been banned from the messaging app
for 24 hours.

WhatsApp has posted an article on
their FAQ website in an attempt to clear up why this is happening, but it
doesn’t do much more than recommend that users uninstall the third-party client
and reinstall the official one. The company is apparently cracking down on this
as a breach of the terms of service, and is justifying their actions under the
premise of protecting user safety.

WhatsApp Plus is an application that was not developed by
WhatsApp, nor is it authorized by WhatsApp. The developers of WhatsApp Plus
have no relationship to WhatsApp, and we do not support WhatsApp Plus. Please
be aware that WhatsApp Plus contains source code which WhatsApp cannot
guarantee as safe and that your private information is potentially being passed
to 3rd parties without your knowledge or authorization.

Please uninstall your application and install an authorized
version of WhatsApp from ourwebsite
or Google Play. Then, you will be able to use WhatsApp.

But the developer of Whatsapp Plus took to Google plus and
Guys if you are
getting this error don’t panic we are working hard to find a fix for the issue
as soon as possible in the mean time you can use the normal whatsapp till a fix
is found..

So if you are using Whatsapp Plus, and you have not been
ban, I’ll advice you uninstall it an get the official whatsapp before they ban
you. And if you are ban, endure the 24hrs.
How many of you have been ban?
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22 thoughts on “Update: To All Using Whatsapp Plus, Uninstall Whatsapp Plus Before You’ll Be Ban By Whatsapp”

  1. they Ban me, and I'm waiting for the 24hrs to complete so that I can uninstall the idiot. I can't b elieve I miss my buddy on Group chat.

  2. Prof please am having a great problem getting the OPENVPN Configuration to use MTN 150MB music .

    And please I need you to give me a procedure on how to use it on PC via simple server.

    please am a notice and I don't know anything about it.

    • Chooooiiii…. Whatsapp have indeed dealt with you. The official whatsapp refuse to install because there are still some fragment of Whatsapp plus on your device.

      do this
      Download titanum backup and root explorer.
      Use Titanum backup to uninstall the whatsapp file system withing the phone storage, and then use root explorer to delete it from your phone. After then, install normal whatsapp and it will work just fine.

  3. I am currently having trouble to install WhatsApp and uninstall WhatsApp plus.whenever I uninstall WhatsApp plus,it still have it's traces,so unable me to install WhatsApp.I tried to delete file whatssapp plus using root browser.but failed to do it so.titanium backup also failed to help me too
    .how I am gonna do to uninstall WhatsApp plus fully.please someone help me.

    • You tecno g9 is having apn problem, check your apn settings and ensure that it is current with your network apn. if its not, input it and save as your default. What network are you using?

  4. how can i get to the apn when only webpage not available is showing and I can get access to any other things in the phone put for thr two upper left and right menu only


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