How to Extend WhatsApp File Sharing Limit of 16MB to 2GB

Imaging you recorded videos with your device, took pictures
and all that, only for you to discover that you can’t send file more than 16MB
on your whatsapp… so annoying and disgusting. Even the so called Whatsapp Plus
exceeded the 16mb to 60MB but wait a minute! What if you want to send file of
1GB and above to your friends far away, how are you going to do that?
I love whatsapp, I cherish Whatsapp because it totally
dusted 2GO out of existence but I hate the limitation

of file sharing of 16MB…
So I’m going to show you how to break that limit or extend that 16MB to upto
2GB (2048MB). Meaning after this tutorial, you can even send a season movies
uncompressed without any Whatsapp police arresting you.


==>A rooted Android Device
==>Download and install Root browser here
How Can I Extend My Whatsapp File Sharing to 2GB (2048)?

1.       Once
the Root Browse is installed, open it.
2.       Grant
the Super SU Permission.
3.       Make
Sure that you already have the WhatsApp installed and Logged-in.
4.       Navigate
to Data> Data.
5.       Browse
and Locate the com.whatsapp, open it.
6.       Open
the Shared_prefs folder.
7.       Locate
the com.whatsapp_preferences.xml file.
8.       Long
press and Open the file in RB Text Editor.
9.       Now
Search for this line : <int name=”media_limit_mb” value=”16″
10.   Now
all you need to do is to change the Value from 0-2048, since the memory is
measured in MBs, so technically 2048MB is 2GB.
11.   Save
and Exit the file.
12.   Exit
the Root Browser.
13.   Now
try to send a file larger than 16MB and if it works, that means you have

 Enjoy! But if this does anything to your WhatsApp profile and media,we are not liable
to pay any damage.

Note Please
only disadvantage of this is that if you reboot your smartphone too many times,
it will reset back to default or if there is an update available. But you can
always repeat the steps and increase your file sending limits



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12 thoughts on “How to Extend WhatsApp File Sharing Limit of 16MB to 2GB”

  1. You can also increase the number of people in a group from 100 to 1000. By locating int name="participants_size_limit" value="1000" /> please increase the number of people in your group and add me too 08067078630.


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