As we all know, WhatsApp instant messenger is always working on updates to enhance the functionality of the chatting app, and to improve user experience. Another update has been discovered, already rolling out to some beta testers.
You can see the below;

Extract Text From Images:
This feature is peculiar to iOS 16, using the same text box icon seen in the iPhone’s Photo app, but it is rolling out to Android users. So if you’re using an older version of iOS or an Android device, it looks like you’re out of luck with this one for now.
This latest feature allows you to extract text messages from images.
Block Shortcut:
This feature gives you the ability to block contacts right within the chat list. This feature makes it easier to block contacts by using the shortcut available within the chat option. But this is not the only feature that includes a shortcut to block contacts: in fact, WhatsApp is also developing an alternate shortcut to block contacts, available within notifications.
When introduced, the block shortcut will be visible only when you receive a message from unknown and untrusted contacts. This limitation is needed as people may tap on the block action by accident when replying to notifications to their trusted contacts.
Chat Transfer:
Though this feature is still under development, the feature will allow the user to be able to move their chat history securely and privately to a new Android phone without using Google Drive. Note that some permission may be needed to allow the app to transfer the chat history to the other device.
More updates are still in the works, and will be rolled out once fully tested.