You will soon be able to use thesame WhatsApp account on multiple devices

If this feature eventually comes to reality, then it will be one of the best features so far. A new rumor has emerged that WhatsApp is working on a new multi-platform which will allow users to use the same WhatsApp account across multiple devices at the same time.

It means you’ll be able to use your WhatsApp account on Android, and iOS devices as a standalone app at the same time without any need to log out from any account.

whatsapp multi-platform

You’ll be able to Use:

==>Your main WhatsApp account on iPad (when the app is launched) without uninstalling it from your iPhone.

==>The same WhatsApp account on Android and iOS devices

==>WhatsApp on your computer (without the necessity for an Internet connection on your phone) using the UWP app.

Currently, WhatsApp Web can be used to access your main WhatsApp account on your desktop, but it requires your smartphone to have an Internet connection.

At the moment, it is still under development and there is no estimated time of launch. The rumor monger has accurately predicted a number of new WhatsApp features in the past which were eventualy released like WhatsApp for KaiOS, and a lot of other features.

Using one phone number to access your WhatsApp on different devices at the same time will be an outstanding feature instead of using WhatsApp web to connect to other devices.


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9 thoughts on “You will soon be able to use thesame WhatsApp account on multiple devices”

  1. Still behind Telegram in light-years. My Telegram account is active on my laptop, 3 different clients on my Jolla. It is still a welcome development. Nice share Prof, and nice new interface for the website.

  2. Your new for the theme is not looking nice at all. Change back to former theme. This new theme is so disgusting and awful.

  3. It would be Dream come true because I also requested for this on Googleplay review. One more important thing we need from whatsapp is message edit. Nous avons besoin de tp pour être en mesure d’éditer des messages d’erreur dans le chat


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