What Do I Do When Adsense Reject Me?

What you are about to read is for my
friends in blogging who have been struggling so hard to get approve by AdSense
throughout the past year but seems not to have succeed. It is for those who have been
rejected by AdSense over and over again.
I know when any blogger AdSense
application is rejected
; it’s a disappointing time for him. He/she feels
very frustrated and at times many newbies quit blogging. Let me clear some air
here, AdSense is not the end of your blogging career. Even if you don’t have
any approved AdSense account, you can still make money heavily with your blog.

What Should I do When I’m Rejected By
AdSense is an advertiser centric network and to meet their
advertisers demand, they need more publishers. But at the same time, to
maintain their quality of ads and ad network, they accept only quality sites.
Now, if your application is rejected, it means your blog is missing something
and you need to work on it to make it better.
This is one of the reason, AdSense have
6 month old blog policy for getting an approved application, as 6 month is
enough time for a Blogger to improve his blog. Don’t let AdSense rejection
weigh you down. Don’t let it kill your motivation for blog.
==>Don’t Reapply Instantly: Actually, when AdSense reject an application,
they usually mention reasons like “Insufficient content”, “copyrighted
, “Url is not owned by you” etc. You need to understand what actually
went wrong and how you can fix this. 
If it is Insufficient content, you need
to know that your post must not be less than 300 words. Your content must be
rich enough to always draw your readers back. And if its Ownership issues, you
can always verify your site ownership with google webmaster and then reapply
back. If its copyrighted material (Plagiarism), you’ll need to remove all the
post you copied from other blogs and right a new rich post afresh. Most
bloggers always miss this, copying a post is not wisdom, it is foolishness. If
you want to copy, make sure you rewrite all the post.
So remove all copy post and reapply
Blog Design:
Those of you that must have been rejected several
times, you must have seen a message like this “difficult site navigation”, it simply
means your design is hard to understand or will give your readers heartache. One of the mistake which I have seen
many new blogger do is, they create a new blog with a crappy disgusting design, add
few low content posts and then apply for AdSense. Believe you me, even if I’m AdSense, I won’t approve you because first impression last longer.
Your site design matters a lot. If you
are on wordpress, use a professional wordress theme to set up your blog and if
you are on blogspot, use a blogspot theme which is not only beautiful but also
look professional.
More Traffic:
I know traffic is very important in blogging. Without
traffic, who will read your post? Don’t allow your traffic to come from only
one source but majorly should be from search engine. Do you know you can get
more traffic on Facebook… do you know you can advertise on Facebook for $1 and
get more traffic to your blog. Do you know you can get more traffic on Nairaland
Don’t just narrow your traffic source to just BBM Channel or Facebook alone,
but also work on your SEO before reapplying back for AdSense.
all Adsense rules, terms and condition:
ADSENSE disapproved your
application because, “your blog doesn’t meet their guidelines and fulfil all
the criteria”. So, read all the conditions carefully and you will find your all
mistakes and you can fix it in time.
==>Reapply for Adsense: if you’ve done the
above carefully, you can then re-submit your application for adsense and watch
your approval comes in lesser period.
Mind you, this is not
the only way you can make money with your blog… Without Adsense, you can make
money on your blog. 

What if I Tried The Above And I’m Still Not Accepted?
Then at this point, I’ll advice you opt in for UK Adsense
account. Apply for UK Adsense account but you’ll need Two things;
1. A new Gmail account
2. Payoneer master card.
You need to register for a new gmail account that is not
associated with any Adsense account at all and you also need to order for free Payoneer Master card. UK Google Adsense easily get approved, and with your
Payoneer Master card, you can withdraw your money on any local ATM point.

How Can I Order For Payoneer Master Card?
Ordering for Payoneer Master card is absolutely free of
charge and it will be deliver to your location in just 3 weeks. Once you’ve
gotten your Payoneer Master card, you can then proceed to get your UK google
Adsense account.
See more guide on ordering for Payoneer Master Card here.
Ask me your questions
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97 thoughts on “What Do I Do When Adsense Reject Me?”

    • hello prof.
      i dont know what to say but u should remember when i was having issues with getting my addsense account approved.
      well now the story has changed and i have successfully gotten my adsense account approved and running ads even though the earning is very low.

      why i really comment was because of this 6months taboo stuff, since you are the one that said it, i wont call it a distraction even though it really is.

      to get my adsense account approved and running successfully on http://www.samex4rill.com i had to implement a new technique and method and within 5 hours my account was fully activated and running ads.




    • Hmmm….you said you got your 'account approved and ads running within 5 hours'… I wonder how true is that considering the fact that the second phase of AdSense approval takes a minimum of 2 days, which is 48 HOURS. Or do you have another way of measuring your own hours?

  1. @Newman, just concentrate more on building your traffic, and a more simpler site design.

    While you are waiting, you can decide to make more money with affiliate marketing. I'm currently writing a post on how I make thousands everymonth from affiliate marketing.

  2. Hi Sir Yomi, Merry Christmas? Guess wat, I just bought a new HP window7 PC and it really looks bored to me cos it's empty. Pls I want you to help me with the latest Free surfing tweak‚ important apps for my PC and website where I will download them.
    I especially thank You for creating a wonderful blog like this. thanks and may God continue to bless You

  3. Hello Yomi!

    Its a nice one you have here.

    And I must say, its a word from an expert to the Wise.

    To add my piece, I would say Google AdSense is not all that is available. They maybe the boss, but certainly not all you've got.

    As there are lots of "alternatives to Google AdSense" out there that one can easily be accepted in just a day. And you can use them to make your cash whilst waiting. Adynamo, info links, just Google "AdSense alternatives" and you will sure be swimming in them.

    Finally to be on a safer side, make sure before applying /reapplying for Google adsense, that you meet with the guidance HERE

    Uche Francis!

  4. My piece.

    When you get rejected by AdSense, don't sit back and feel frustrated or rejected. Many guys who got approved today were once rejected I'm a living testimony.

    Change your favicon.
    What's a favicon? A favicon is an icon associated with a particular website, and typically displayed in the address bar of a browser viewing the site…. Changing of your default blogger favicon to your own private favicon might work wonders for you… It has worked for many.

    Resize your images:
    Google loves blogs with text and not some bunch of images. Try to crop your images to at least 150×200 before uploading them to your blog.
    Images also contributes to the loading speed of a blog. A single image can be heavier than your full blog post. Google bots wants to crawl the text in your blog, not images.

    Write quality contents:
    Content is king any day any time.
    Develop your writing skills and feed your audience with quality info.

    Avoid copy paste! Copy paste reduces the value of your blog and Google hates it like some piece of shit! No one will ever wanna read a direct refurbished article.

    I was once a copy cat.. Lols. I learnt my lesson the hard way.. Thank God, I stepped up my game and inserted some quality real articles to my blog.. An holla, I'm now an AdSense Nigga. Although I'm not earning much for now, I still feel happy and fulfill coz those AdSense ads in my blog have one way or the other improved the swag of my blog. It also shows that I'm doing something right and not wasting my precious time.

    Em, this are the few advice I have for u guys.. Just follow the Terms of Google an be a good blogger!

    Upload your full pics on whatsapp without cropping

    • To buy dot com domain for you blog, you can get it from Go daddy or domain king or web4africa. From Godaddy, you can get it for less than #200 using a coupon code but at latter years, the money will be extremely higher when you want to renew it.

      From DomainKing, you can get it for N499 as part of their Dec promo. And from Web4africa, you can get it for just N1,200

  5. Good evening Prof. Yomi, and complements of the season! Pls Prof i am currently having some issues changing the imei of my HTC One using the SDK method you laid down. I downloaded and installed the SDK Tools as instructed and did as outlined but i was getting an error message saying that "fastboot" is not a recognizable internal command. I urgently need your guidance Prof; pls help me out. Thanks for all your support and assistance all the way. Remain superblessed!

  6. Prof complement of the season. I am new at blogging and I am interested in its success.pls I need your tutorial sir. This the blog addjerry.blogspot.com help me review it.
    This is my email [email protected] Thanks sir.

  7. Thanks a lot prof, and happy Christmas and a prosperous new year in advance. Please how do i get traffic from Nairaland? I need to know the steps please. Thanks in anticipation.

    • Hmm, Nairaland! Nairaland!! Nairaland!!!

      Nairaland is the largest forum in Africa. It has millions of people visiting per seconds. To get traffic from Nairaland, do the following:

      >>>First of all, create an account with Nairaland.
      >>>Use your blog url as a signature
      >>>Always make reasonable comments on every post. People tend to follow someone whose comment are always making sense. If you are lucky enugh, the post might hit the frontpage, and people will read your comments, and follow the link on your signature which is your website.
      >>>Make reasonable post on Nairaland that is capable of hitting the frontpage with Source back to your website.

      Finally, always make sure you use your current post as signature to your profile. Comment almost on all new post and watch your traffic grow.

    • Yes, you can always edit your signature anytime. Though this thread is not for blog review… but

      Ensure your content is rich enough to always command your readers to come back to read your blog
      ==>Don't copy and paste, write every post your own way, your own word and your own style
      ==>Add Facebook and Twitter widget to your blog for easy sharing to social media,
      ==>Add Linkwithin to your blog (it help you display similar post to a particular post)
      ==>Always share your blog on Facebook and twitter and …

    • You've done a nice job in creating a blog but the very first question you should ask yourself is why I'm I blogging? What do I want to blog about? Will my blog meet a need?
      If you can answer these questions above, then you are halfway achieved.

      Define a niche for your blog… Is it tech, entertainment, fashion etc.. Just define a niche for your blog and make more posts
      ==>Your post should be nothing less than 300 words and above… Make more post… that is the key to search engine ranking. The post should be solely yours and not copy and paste

  8. Merry christmas Yomi pls I have 34G of my swift internet wasting away and its expiring in a week..pls and pls how do i download movies on my laptop? I have torrent Al ready but i have tried i dont know how to go about it or search for movies on it pls is there any other app i can download on my laptop? Or ipad to download movies from any site? Pls help and reply Sharon xoxo

    • Not that they accept your site after 3weeks of blogging, but they reviewed your site… and latter disapprove,.. I'll suggest you work more on your blog this time before you reapply again.

  9. Hehe, i have a 3month old blog and i use Adsense on it Flawlessly even tho i don't get Heavy Traffic like Yomi. i got disapproved the first time, but after reading their reply email, i went to fix the Design of My Blog and got a Logo for my Blog, and Reapplied, in no time they got me approved instantly.

    NB- Try to join a group for bloggers on any social network like Facebook and whats app, seek advice from pro and never stop learning that's the key

    Feel Free to see

  10. I need help yomi I go my adsense approved 4 lyk 4 months now and my adsense is showing blank Anytym I add it as a widget and wen I login into my adsense account it tells me that am using a non host account,is it that am going to buy a domain acct or what?

    • Did you use the Youtube method to get your adsense account approved? if yes, do the following
      Go to your blog dashboard, if you are using blogspot, scroll down to the eArning tab and add it to your blog. It will start displaying on your blogspot domain. Better still, follow this link here

      Whats the link to our blog?

    • Hello Desmond,
      Making your blog appear on search engine is the work of rich SEO optimization. If your content is rich enough to be index by google, it will appear on search engine. Moreover, what are you blogging about?

    • You need to make more post. Your blog is really scanty.
      Add LinkWithin to your blog. it help you display related post.
      Add About Us, Contact us and Privacy policy page to your blog….

      You really need to define your niche.

  11. hello prof, thanks for your quick response. my blog is all about news, health tips, celeb,tech etc. i just started it 2days back. you can check it out at www. diziwebs.blogspot.com.

    • You just started it 2 days back? Then your blog is still a virgin. First of all, claim ownership of your blog. go to http://www.google.com/webmaster
      and claim ownership of your blog. After then, you'll need to correct the robot.txt from your dashboard so that it can be index. Wen you are done with you webmaster tool, I'll show you how to edit your robot.txt file from your blogger dashboard.

  12. Good day prof. Thanks for your time so far, please in my own case, i have been able to add linkwithin to my blog and it's really cool, but the problem now is how to add the "about us", "contact us" Pages.

    • Adding contact page or other pages to blogger:

      1. Log onto your dashboard , click »post»pages. Look up and click add new page.
      Fill in what u want to fill and save.
      Follow same step for creating other pages like privacy policy.

      Making your pages appear on your blog:

      1. Login to your dashboard
      2. Click layout…. Choose the position you want the pages to appear ( I'd prefer header of your blog just above the post bar)

      3. Click add a gagdet.

      4. Select pages from the list and save.

      5. Add the privacy policy, about us and other blablabla by pasting their respective URL to the pages gadget.

      Thanks…. Still confused?

      top widgets every blogger blog owner should have

  13. Mr yomi since I didn't get approved I am trying too use infolinks to monetize my blog is it profitable and good

  14. dx d 1st am ever commenting BT I must say yomiprof u really trying kip up d good work .
    My question is abt d UK AdSense I once had an AdSense acctwhich was banned 4 invalid click . cue of d person I shared my code with was selfclicking trued to gt it bk .. BT couldn't n I knw how I tried b4 I could gt naija AdSense .. BT nw m opting 4 UK. BT d problem x m scared if m approved wat if they notice I don't abroad .. Wud it b banned also .. If I try withdrawal or input my address am Nigeria wud I get banned ??? Do pple use it ??? X it easy ti cash out ? Pls reply

    • hello Jibola,
      Once you are approved, and you are able to verify the adsense, you don't need to worry where you base because its not important. Do not input a Nigerian Address. Look for a UK Adsense. You can only withdraw to your Payooner master card and then use your Payooner master card on NG local ATM to withdraw you adsense. PPl use it wella.

    • Thanks proff 4 d quick reply . so u saying I don't need to verify am address or what so ever .. After I reach threshold I should just make use of my payooner master card ?

  15. Yomi proof thanks for the reply….but the issue here is I have 17 unique articles and I applied twice when I was in Nigeria some months ago. Was disapproved…. Site doesn't comply with Google AdSense policies or adhere with webmaster…….
    A friend of mine said Nigeria is been backlisted….decided to chill now I'm in the States ….automatically my IP address changed…would they still approve it or might receive same reason? Please help me and check the blog out

    • Baba see wetn dem talk o ah no know where Dem take see this o. Because my site no go down at all. Active site.

      Google AdSense Account Status
      [email protected]
      to me
      20 minutes agoDetails

      Your AdSense application status

      As mentioned in our welcome email, we conduct a second review of your AdSense application once AdSense code is placed on your site(s). As a result of this review, we have disapproved your account for the following violation(s):

      We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below

      Unable to review your site: While reviewing http://www.econsconcepts.com/?m=0, we found that your site was down or unavailable. If you applied through an AdSense host partner, such as YouTube or Blogger, your hosted site was not available or not found (removed) at the time of the review.

      To update and resubmit your application, please visit google.com/adsense and sign in using the email address and password you submitted with your application. Our specialists will review your account for compliance with our program policies, so please make sure to resolve all of the issues listed above before resubmitting your application.

      For more information, visit our Help Center or search the AdSense Help Forum, where a community of publishers shares AdSense best practices.

      The Google AdSense Team

      But I suspected their officials are in the google AdSense forum. I asked them this same question and they were saying nonsense…that I have to wait till I get back to Nigeria etc

  16. Thanks proff 4 d quick reply . so u saying I don't need to verify am address or what so ever .. After I reach threshold I should just make use of my payooner master card ?

  17. Prof…. Good day… I only have a problem on placing adsense ads between my post.. please can you guide me through …. and also how to place an ad below the menu tab…. thanks.

  18. Prof…help your boy out. been rejected like 4 times now on Adsense, my url is http://howtotechnaija.com . I do not copy people's article and I always make sure I come up with unique contents. In terms of traffic I average like 70 sessions in a day. This was the last reason Adesnse gave for rejecting me

    It’s important for sites displaying Google ads to offer significant value to the user. As a publisher, you must provide unique and relevant content that gives users a reason to visit your site first.
    Don’t place ads on auto-generated pages or pages with little to no original content.
    Your site should also provide a good user experience through clear navigation and organization. Users should be able to easily click through your pages and find the information they’re seeking.

    I'm currtently using Adquet now but I still want Adsense approval. What can I do more please prof?

    • Hello bro,
      I just went through your site now and I found everythng very OK. I'll advice, when next you are going to apply for adsense, remove any ads serving network you have already on the blog.

      Also cross check your Privacy policy and make sure your content is original.

      10 original content on your blog can give you approval than 256 copy, adjusted content.

  19. True talk but the truth is, some if not most willnever get approved, so look out for alternatives, native ads especially, when combined well they can make ur blog profitable,.
    The other solution is to buy but note that ur acctcould be banned anytime for just a single silly mistake.

    Commenting from blazeteks blog

  20. Infact dis AdSense team has turn to somtin else, bcos some are saying it's quite easy during their time but why do dey make it difficult nowadays? Just got tired of them. Pls Boss for d issue of plagiarism, I deliberately wrote a post just for the AdSense approval and I discovered that it has been copied by other people without being satisfied my primary purpose what can I do to dat?

  21. Hello ogah yomi, pls i have a question about google adsense,
    I opened an adsense account using U/K for easy acceptance, i got approved but i am now facing issues on how to verify my mailing address, because i cant receive the pin google is sending while am here in Nigeria.

    1. Is there a way i can change the mailing address to another one so i can receive the pin they send.

    2. Is it possible to change the account back to Nigeria

    3. How can i get paid using UK adsense while am here in Nigeria (i.e what payment method can i use to receive the money here in Nigeria)

    • Hello friend,
      1.You cannot change your mailing address… You can only make use of third party agents like shoptomydoor, to ship your pin to Nigeria
      2. You can’t change the account back to Nigeria
      3. You can make use of Payoneer to receive your adsense payment. You can use payoneer atm card on any atm point to withdraw locally.

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