How Do I Activate My Payoneer Master Card After Arrival?

By now, you should have received your Payoneer Master Card because this is exactly 5 weeks some of you ordered for your cards. If you’ve inputted the right address, it should be in your hands or check the closest Post office to your table down address. Mine was delivered to my office the day I received so yours shouldn’t be an exception except otherwise.
Now that you’ve received your Payoneer Master Card, the next thing for you to do is to activate it and get ready for trading. I’m going to show you how to activate your Payoneer card in easy steps below;

How Do I Activate My Payoneer Master Card?
1.      Log in to your Payoneer account
2.      Make sure that the right card is selected in the drop-down menu at the top of the screen as seen below
3.      Make sure the last four of your Payoneer Master card is the same with what you have at the drop down
4.      Click on Activate
5.      Enter the required information which includes your 16 digits pin and your new 4 digits password
6.      Accept the terms and condition
7.      Click on Activate
You should get a confirmation message message that your new card has been activated.
You can also watch the 2min video on how to activate your Payoneer Master Card

What Else?
It’s now time to fund your card and begin trading, shopping with it anywhere around the world. I can always recommend you to a trusted seller where you can get Payoneer funds from.
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23 thoughts on “How Do I Activate My Payoneer Master Card After Arrival?”

  1. Pls Prof I just received my Payoneer Card…pls Give me link to a trusted Payoneer Funder so that i can fund my new Payoneer Card.Thank You Prof

  2. Prof must i verify with id b4 receiving and sending funds cause have sent my id proof for over 2 weeks now and nothing has been done don't want my money to get stuck dere coz of its not yet verified

    • Note that your account must be verify. As a loyal citizen, you should have a Valid ID card. How can your money even stuck inside when you don't have the card with you?

      My advice is, if you wait for some few weeks and nothing has been done, open another account. use a valid ID card and you'll be verified.

    • Hello Fabian, is your card showing anything strange? If you've activated your card, I don't think their is anything else. Normally, before I recieve mine, I did verification of my ID before it was sent. so if your card is activated I think you are good to go except if its displaying something strange.

    • when am at the global Payment service page and all my details are displayed under there is "As the following items may be required for future processing, please submit at your convenience…" and then quetionaire and id proof

  3. Hello oga prof. I can't activate my payoneer prepaid card since i got it whenever i try it says wrong card. i noticed the card number on the drop down menu is different from that which they sent to me. I've contacted their customer care for days now but no response. Pls what do you advice

    • Hello Abass,
      I think you must have gotten the wrong card. Because the last 4 digits of your card must be thesame with the last four digits on the one at your dashboard.

      If its not thesame, then it is a wrong card. Since you've written to support and no respond yet, I'll suggest you use another email ID to reapply for thesame card again.

    • Hello Abass,

      Did u order for a second card before the arrival of your card?

      At times, due to the bad nature of mailing in Nigeria, Payoneer cards take ages to come. And during this long wait, a lot of people tend to request for a second card from Payoneer.

      If that's the case with u, then the card you received is likely to be the first one. So what you have to do is;

      Login to your account.
      At the top, were the card is, click on the drop down and select the card with the last four digit that gmatches the one delivered to you.
      Then click on activate.

      However, if the card has been blocked, chat up Payoneer to unblock it. Then activate it.

      To easily contact Payoneer, just first of all, log into your account. Click on help=> support center=> contact us=> and select live chat. Its easier and faster that way.

      Uche Francis!


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