Tip: Android 8.0 Coming With “Streaming OS Update”, Allow you to download even when you are out of space

We are patiently waiting for the announcement of Android 8
and one of the outstanding feature tipped to come with Android O is “Streaming
OS update”

I guess you have experienced this in one way or the day, you
probably wanted to download an update for your smartphone or even an app and
suddenly an annoying notification pop up that “your memory is full”, free up
some space to continue… Google has device a way to banish that no more space
error forever.
According to the latest Android documentation, Google is
cooking up some scheme to make sure that an insufficient space error will never
stop an update.
Streaming updates is a new feature built into Android 8.0,
but, oddly, the docs say Google is also back porting the feature to Google Play
Services. That will enable this feature on “Android 7.0 and
later” devices with a dual system partition setup.
In other words, with this feature, you’ll be able to download
updates to your phone even when your phone is full.
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