According to the latest report, Telegram is working on Telegram Premium, a feature that will allow its users on the platform to pay a fee and have access to an exclusive feature.
In its testing of version 8.7.2, the Telegram Beta channel has found a range of reaction emoji and stickers that have been marked as Telegram Premium exclusives. Users who select these stickers and reactions will be prompted to sign up for the service. Even premium stickers that appear in a conversation thread are blocked from view to free users, replaced by the same call to action.

You’ll recall that sometimes last year, the company made moves to monetize its platform through ad sales and extra features tailored towards massive group channels. But this latest feature, average users will soon be asked to pay to get more features.
No details about the program itself, including price and what other perks it offers, are known at this time. The premium plan offers exclusive stickers and reactions. But is that enough for you to subscribe?