How to Bold, Italic and Strikethrough a Text on Your WhatsApp

earlier reported that the next WhatsApp version will allow you to Bold, italic
and strike through a text. You don’t need to wait for the next whatsapp version
because it’s already here while some are not aware of it. I can tell you that
this is one of the best features some of you will ever get on

WhatsApp. If you
have the latest version of WhatsApp that supports end-to-end encryption, Version 2.16.10 upward,
then all the effects will be active.

With end-to-end encryption, your messages, photos, videos, voice messages, documents, and calls are now secured, which means WhatsApp and third parties can’t read or listen to them.

How can I apply Bold, Italic and Strikethrough features?
>>To write in italics, you need to add underscores before and
after your text. For example, _italics_ automatically becomes italics.
>>To write in bold as well,
asterisks are required before and after your text. Writing *bold* becomes bold.
>>To write in strikethrough,
use the tilde
like ~this is strikethrough~ and automatically becomes strikethrough..
is it not working on my Android?
not working on your Android probably because you don’t have the latest version
installed on your Android. Download the latest version from apk mirror here and
you are good to go.
the fact that all these features (Whatsapp encryption, Sending PDF, BIS)
happened in just a flash, how soon do you think WhatsApp video will come into
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