How Much Does Your Bank Currently Charge in Naira Per Dollar?

As long as Naira and Dollar remaineth, exchange rate will
continue to fluctuate. It will amaze you to note that the current exchange rate
in the parallel market is 400 to a dollar which is on the high side.

Most banks charge differently especially if you want to
buy online. GTB currently charges N350 to a US dollar and from the look of things;
it will still go up because my last transaction before this I was charged 341
and now it has skyrocketed. 
How much does your bank currently charges per dollar? If you
currently purchased something online in dollars, kindly let us know how much
your bank charged you per dollar.
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15 thoughts on “How Much Does Your Bank Currently Charge in Naira Per Dollar?”

    • Paypal doesn't charge any fee when you buy. But in some other circumstances, they charge. I tried to fund one of my online account and they put their charges their.

      Whenever I try to buy, no charges


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