Airtel Increased 1.5GB For N50 Night Plan to N200

Just barely a week ago when Airtel reduced the data tag on
their famous social media plan of 20GB for N200, they’ve yet again done the
unexpected and I can’t imagine what will be the fate of those that love
downloading a lot using their vigilante data plan.

Airtel Nigeria has increased the data price of the vigilante
night plan of 1.5GB for N50. Formerly, with N50 you can subscribe for 1.5GB Airtel
night plan but now, it has been increased to N200 for 1.5GB. Though it has not physically reflected on their page, but technically, it has been updated.
Every attempt to subscribe for it last night was proved
abortive, a call was passed acrossed to CC and it was confirmed that it has been
increased to N200; though the 500MB for N25 still remain unchanged.
You’ll remember that etisalat also introduced 1GB for N200 night
plan in which most people complained that it is on the high side. You now have
the option to bounce back to MTN vigilante night plan of N25 for 500MB or stick
glued to 1.5GB for N200 from Airtel.
Now you don’t need a seer to tell you that Airtel economy
have shifted gear to Yabaleft…
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20 thoughts on “Airtel Increased 1.5GB For N50 Night Plan to N200”

  1. The useless mb mostimes zaps. Just a few times I actually got the stateed amount of mb. Did the N25 plan last night and after 46mb it stopped connecting. My guess is the N25 plan will be reduced to 50 mb.

  2. Airtel must be one of the biggest scams of all time. Even when it was N50, there were many times I would subscribe only for it to download just a few mb and it would revert me back to free facebook and not until I now resubscribe again before it will go.And the CC know that it happens.well i'll just port to mtn plan sharperly.

  3. Really really really really really disappointed by Airtel, really thought they were making waves for Nigerian youths with this, but they have now messed up, as people have said MTN is better or even glo night plan for 3gb


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