11 Ways to Make Your Smartphone Battery Last Longer

One of the major issues smartphone
users normally complain of is battery… It’s either the phone battery is bad,
drain so fast or doesn’t last as expected. Obviously, must people who buy
smartphones do not check the battery capacity. Some smartphones batteries are
disaster in the making. Charge it and after 30min, you are charging it again.

In this article, I’m going to be
showing you 11 ways to make your smartphone battery last longer than expected.
11 Ways to Make Your Smartphone Battery Last Longer
Avoid Keeping Your Phone in a Hot or Heated Surface.

Most smartphones have battery made of either Lithium ion or Lithium Polymer
battery. These two elements used for production of cell phone batteries are
badly affected when there are exposed to heat and this leads to drastic drain
of the battery.
sure you device is always in a cool environment.
Turn on Power Saving Mode:
Power saving mood help to conserve your cell
battery, this feature limits you to necessary functions like call, messages,
time, contacts etc. It saves your battery up to 90%, releasing more power to
your cell. So when you don’t need internet service in your mobile phone put it
in power saving mood. Or when you battery gets to 50%,  put it in Power Saving Mode.
turn on Power saving mode, go to settings>>battery>> by the right
side, click on battery saver and turn it on.

3. Dim The Screen Brightness or Use Auto Brightness: 
brightness consumes 30% of your battery. Make your battery last longer by
setting the screen brightness to auto so that it can adjust to indoor and
outdoor lighting.
4. Keep The Screen Timeout Short: Every seconds here count.
Go to settings>>Display and hit the Sleep button. Set it to 30 seconds or

5. Turn Off Your Bluetooth: No matter now much you love
using Bluetooth with your hands-free headset, your wireless speaker or activity
tracker, the extra radio is constantly listening for signals from the outside
world. Hence consuming your phone battery.
6. Switch Off The GPS Tracking: Only use your GPS when navigation and location services are necessary. GPS
tracking consumes a lot of energy, tracking your location via radio waves and
satellites will surely give you a dead cell.
7. Turn Off All Auto Updates: Most smartphones especially iPhones try to keep you updated by automatically
installing new version of apps when they come out. Visit the store of the
device you are using to deactivate.
8. Turn Off Background App Refresh: Background App Refresh is a setting that allows apps to
get updated with the latest content while you’re not using them.
It downloads the latest news or updates to
an app. It’s an awesome feature because it keeps your phone
current, but it takes up a lot of battery life. 
To disable go to Settings > General >
Background App Refresh and turn it off.
9. Turn off Location Services: Go to Settings > Privacy
> Location Services to disable.
10. Check which apps use the most
If you go to Settings > Battery, you can check
to see which apps take up the most battery. Disable it.
11. Don’t Use The Camera Flash. Fact: No one has ever looked good in an
iPhone  or Android photo taken with
flash. Another fact: Flash is insanely blinding and disruptive. A third
fact: Flash drains your battery life. So turn it off!
My smartphone battery takes me 48 hours without charging… Now tell us, how long does your smartphone battery take you?
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13 thoughts on “11 Ways to Make Your Smartphone Battery Last Longer”

  1. You can also Turn off auto screen rotation – at least according to an app I had installed once upon a time.
    Get Better Battery Stats or other battery monitor. The built in one is really the pits.

  2. @R&B music, people put turn their "Brightness" to over average or "full" because, outside/under sun ray, phone's screen visibility is greatly reduced.
    I put mine off once am inside the house because there is no way i can check on a phone screen that had its brightness at the highest or average.

  3. Pls oga prof. Am using lnnjoo fire,my battery get drain when am charging it.if its 20% b4 soon it wil rduce to 14%,if its empty i wil av to use desktop charger to boost it bf4 it can start charging again, and presently it not charging again,pls kindly help, thanks. I av try difrent charger non charge it.

  4. Nice tips but you can also uninstall some of the battery savers and app killers in your phone. You onky need one battery saver – not two or three as it can cause more harm than good to your phone battery life and overall performance.
    Commenting from WizyTechs.Com


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